Are you currently struggling with anxious behaviours in the classroom, or at home relating to school?
I work with professionals and parents/carers to develop knowledge, understanding and skills around supporting vulnerable children and young people with their education. The key principles and strategies I work with can be beneficial for all students (and staff), and feel even more relevant to all now due to the far-reaching impact of the global pandemic we are still dealing with the fallout from. Emotional (co)regulation and felt safety is at the heart of the training. It is also at the heart of the coaching and therapy work that I do.
For schools, extra-curricular clubs and other professionals
supporting vulnerable children & young people.
Session I - Increasing awareness and understanding of attachment and trauma (introductory session)
Book a half day interactive session for an organisation (on site or online - location dependent)
Or contact me for a pre-recorded version of this training (2.5 hrs, chunked online learning + accompanying workbook)
Session II - Planning and delivery of trauma-informed support in education settings
Half day interactive session for an organisation (on site or online); or
Book 3 Twilight sessions (1-1.5 hours each session)
Session I & Session II can be delivered to education settings over a full day (e.g. INSET).
*Individuals must have undertaken Session I training
(or equivalent with another provider) before undertaking Session II.
We can deliver on site training and consultancy in both the West Country and the East Midlands regions of England.
For education settings, fostering or adoption agencies and other professionals supporting vulnerable children & young people.
For education and other settings looking for an injection of specific support, e.g.
For follow-up review and planning sessions post-training to support the setting with working towards a truly trauma-informed culture.
Working with staff to plan out support for an adopted child who is struggling with their emotional regulation.
For fostering/adoption agencies requiring additional support for their families (relating to education) e.g.
Point of advice for a social worker supporting a family with a child who is struggling with school.
Source of information relating to navigating education systems and processes.
Training in attachment and trauma for social work and support work teams.
Training in understanding what support for looked-after and previously-looked after children should look like at school.
For parents/carers seeking trauma-focused education support for their child/ren, e.g.
Information and advice about your child’s education support needs from a trauma-informed perspective.
Support with input around trauma for EHCP paperwork or appeals.
WEBINAR FOR PARENT/CARERS - Contact me for access.
For parents/carers seeking to strengthen and develop their connection with their child/ren...
I work on an Associate basis with Beacon NeuroConnect as a Theraplay-informed therapeutic practitioner.
If you are an adult seeking a non-judgmental, reflective, safe space to gain greater awareness of any issues you are experiencing, to identify the root cause and to find a way forward, I run 1:1 trauma informed coaching sessions for adults.
I work in an integrative way, bringing tools from both the therapy and coaching sides of my work together according to what's most needed at the time.
If you are:
Experiencing burnout
Feeling trapped by circumstances
Looking to slow down
In need of a safe space just for YOU
Wanting to regain your zest for life again
I may be able to help...
For a no obligation chat, please message me and I'll contact you to book in:
1 hour session fee: £70
Sessions can be face to face (Kingswood, Bristol) or held online.
£300 for 5 sessions taken between 1st July - 30th September 2024
Limited spaces available.
Speaking engagements...
Please get in touch if you'd like to discuss the possibility of me speaking at one of your events or meetings.
Past speaking engagements:
Climate Coaching Alliance (24 hour conversations) - Collective and Systemic Trauma – having difficult conversations in times of pandemic and environmental crisis - 4 March 2021, alongside Ali Crowther (MadetoLast Resilience)
Connective Parenting Podcast - talking trauma with Sarah Fisher (available now).
Jane Evans YouTube interview - Why we need easy practical ways to support children with trauma in school
Halycon Education Podcast - Creating a ‘ready to learn’ environment for pupils who have experienced trauma
Designated Teacher Training with The Hope Virtual School - 'An adoptive parent's perspective on some of the challenges our children have faced at school and what's worked well'
Upcoming speaking or Associate engagements:
The Centre for Adoption Support & Education - workshops for adoptive parents whose children are transitioning from nursery to primary school. Contact The Centre to express an interest.
I was honoured to be able to tell a small part of my story about becoming a mother through adoption in a chapter I wrote for Rachel Mason's book 'Not the Only One', published in late 2020.
I'm also humbled to share some of my parenting experience in the chapter 'Therapeutic Parenting' in The Bounce Back Journey of Parenting (available to purchase on Amazon). Join us for the launch....