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Emma Spillane
Apr 18, 20234 min read
Supporting transitions between school years within an education setting
Children and young people who have experienced adversity and loss in their lives can find change incredibly challenging. With this in...
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Emma Spillane
Mar 2, 20232 min read
Introducing The Autonomic Ladder...
If you've not already heard of it, the Autonomic Ladder is a concept designed by Deb Dana and grounded in Stephen Porges' Polyvagal...
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Emma Spillane
Oct 5, 20222 min read
What does a trauma-informed school look like?
A trauma-informed school has a culture which values ALL people within it. Its compassionate ethos is one which places relationships, felt...
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Emma Spillane
Aug 22, 20222 min read
Webinar: What you NEED to know about school
Feeling in the dark about who's who or what's what at school? Not sure what support should be available for your child? Do you simply...
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Emma Spillane
Aug 15, 20227 min read
Supporting school year transitions from home (part 2) - starting a new school year
Revised September 2024 We’re heading towards the return to school for settings in England and Wales, and our children may be showing us...
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Emma Spillane
Jul 8, 20221 min read
FREE downloadable Pupil Premium Plus guide!
Pupil Premium Plus funding is available to pupils from Reception through to Year 11 in state-funded education in England who: - Are in...
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Emma Spillane
Jun 30, 20224 min read
Supporting school year transitions from home (Part I) – endings
*updated June 2022 It’s that time of year for schools in England and Wales when staff are ramping up transition arrangements for the next...
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Emma Spillane
Jan 31, 20222 min read
Introducing student teachers - a little idea
I came across a lovely idea on social media last week and just had to share. In my training with schools I talk around the importance of...
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Emma Spillane
Jan 31, 20222 min read
What is a Virtual School & What is Pupil Premium Plus funding?
What are Virtual Schools? Each Local Authority has a Virtual School led by a Virtual School Head (VSH). As looked-after and previously...
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Emma Spillane
Nov 29, 20215 min read
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
Christmas can trigger a whole heap of feelings and memories for any one of us – some may be magical, some less so. For children in care,...
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Emma Spillane
Oct 19, 20211 min read
Creating a ‘ready to learn’ environment for pupils who have experienced trauma (podcast)
I was interviewed by Founder Anna Bateman for Halcyon Education's podcast series recently. This is a series of podcasts that puts mental...
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Emma Spillane
Oct 15, 20211 min read
Simple focused breathing exercises for all ages
Diaphragmatic breathing exercises for all ages. Suitable for use in classrooms or at home. Great for coregulation.
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Emma Spillane
Sep 27, 20211 min read
New Spotify and Anchor channels! Short guided visualisations available...
I've set up a channel so that I can share some audio resources with you. The first recordings up are two short guided visualisations:...
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Emma Spillane
Jul 19, 20214 min read
Making the summer work for everyone as a working mum to children who have a high need for structure
As mum to two lively children (10 and 11) and a business owner to boot, I do find that the 6-week summer holiday can be a challenging...
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Emma Spillane
Jun 25, 20214 min read
Managing school year transitions (Part I) – supporting endings from home
[Edit 01.07.21 - just to make the point that things are further complicated of course by the surge in bubbles needing to isolate at this...
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Emma Spillane
Jun 9, 20211 min read
Grounding activity for adults and older children
I wholeheartedly recommend short, guided visualisations as a way to support regulation. I've recorded this 5 minute one for you - perfect...
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Emma Spillane
Apr 27, 20213 min read
Sensory calming and alerting work with dysregulated children
Guest blog: Linda Plowden, Occupational Therapist It is well known that the effects of trauma on an individual are held in the body. “In...
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Emma Spillane
Mar 1, 20211 min read
Supporting transitions back to full school reopening - The Invisible String
It is highly possible that some children will find going back to school and being away from their carer(s) especially hard after spending...
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Emma Spillane
Mar 1, 20213 min read
Mother's day school activities - considering potential triggers
Mother's Day – an annual set date in March traditionally used to celebrate mothers across the UK and all they do for their children. For...
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Emma Spillane
Feb 24, 20213 min read
Practicing gratitude – it’s not just good for adults!
You might be forgiven for thinking gratitude is one of those fads that was talked about everywhere at the beginning of the pandemic when...
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